
iPhone Photography



If you follow this blog some, you’ve seen several sunrises along Fort Lauderdale’s beach. An early riser, to me there’s nothing more spectacler than watching a two thousand trillion ton star, that burns 700,000,000 tons of hydrogen a second, peacefully rise above a endlessly stretching majestic ocean. But this might just be me.

Anyways, I can’t help but record these nearly every morning I walk the beach. Mother nature seems to have a new twist in how she reveals her splendor all the time. What we sometimes forget, that little phone in our pocket is pretty awesome too. Of course it’s not in our pocket, rather we are blindly texting and talking straight into on-coming traffic, or here, onto beached jellyfish, all the none wiser. Well, lets collectively wise up and put these phones to another use too.

I challenge you to take a break from texting and take some pictures. This picture was from an iPhone 5, but any phone these days takes great pictures. You may be surprised as to what’s going on around you. Happy “phone photoing!”